borderline blood test results mean

To monitor: Laboratory tests help assess the severity of the disease, the efficacy of treatment, medication-related side effects, especially those of blood counts, liver and kidneys. Answer: I can tell you it smells of "modern medical knowledge". The results of these blood tests are listed with a reference range. So I did. When there is too much or too little acid in the blood, chloride is an important clue to the cause of . It is the result of insulin resistance, or reduced effect of insulin on certain cells in your body. being overweight or obese. A borderline result means that the test was between normal and abnormal. So MCHC = the amount of hemoglobin present in each red blood cell. A low TSH and low T4 mean low thyroid . Abnormalities in any of these types of cells can indicate the presence of important medical disorders. If borderline + and symptoms are present, it may be warranted to have it repeated in a 2-3 months. If your repeat test shows high inflammation again, they may send you for a colonoscopy. I have IBS and my fecal calprotectin was negative. The most common reason for high MCH is macrocytic anemia, which is a blood disorder in which the body fails to produce enough red blood cells. Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) Normal range: 28% to 36%. Help your doctor get a clearer, fuller picture with a repeat test. The term may also be used when the hormones in your blood are deemed adequate in medical terms, but you personally are experiencing symptoms of hypothyroidism. Because of this, the body is VIGILANT about maintaining calcium levels in the blood at a normal level. It will only indicate that there was an infection at one time. The only other time I've experienced this was 5/6 years ago when over the space of 18 months to 2 years I lost a lot of weight and had extreme bouts . To guide therapy: Laboratory test results are used to help make treatment recommendations and to adjust for changing symptoms. I have IBS and my fecal calprotectin was negative. Some people may not be aware that they have it until: a doctor performs a blood glucose test and urinalysis; it has progressed to type 2 diabetes The normal or reference range of blood urea nitrogen level is 7-20 mg/dL (2.5 - 7.1 mmol/L). Borderline diabetes, also known as prediabetes, is a condition in which blood sugar is higher than normal, but not as high as it is in diabetes. Try to reduce the amount of saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol in your diet. Well, On the lab paper that the DR gave me to give to the gastroenterologist she's sending me to said "tested positive for the antigen" I think, but it also said "borderline" out to the side of it. Before my period began I was sick to my stomach and had the runs 4 days in a row. 14 Feb 2020 14:25. People who consume a high protein diet may have higher levels. Thank. I feeling dizzy last month and went to see my GP. A blood test may reveal that your B12 level is in or near the normal range. Severe meant Severe, Acute mea. Why They are Important. My concern is my red blood count is 5.48 (normal 4. The presence of HBsAg indicates that the person is infectious. Depending on what your doctor is testing your blood for, a borderline blood count can mean you are on the verge of having Diabetes, high cholesterol, or other serious health issue. So here are some extra details of what is going on, if anyone has any thoughts I am all ears! 3. Many people with no disease have positive ANA tests particularly women older than 65. Symptoms of Sodium Imbalance. 3 1/2 most ago I had 4 back surgeries & had to have 4 donor blood transfusions (donor bone too), so I had my doctor test me for HIV $ Heps. In macrocytic anemia, red blood cells that are produced are larger than usual, each carrying more hemoglobin than normal-sized cells would. Borderline low or high levels of chloride usually have very little significance. If you have some results at the high or low end of normal, ask your doctor if you should repeat the test or investigate them further. giving birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds. The descriptions below give an explanation and details behind the phrases used. A blood gases sample is taken from an artery, usually at the wrist. For doctors to be sure that they are diagnosing you correctly - or that they are providing you . GFR - A blood test measures how much blood your kidneys filter each minute, which is known as your glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Standard laboratory tests for SLE There are several reasons why results can fall in the borderline range, including: Normal changes in baby's body as they adjust to being born Babies who are born early (premature) For example, if your routine blood work includes a test for calcium in the blood, your lab may list the normal range for calcium as 8.3 to 9.9 milligrams per deciliter . In practice, one needs to have joint swelling for . Borderline means your FSH or oestrogen scores were in the range of women whose fertility is declining. You see, you really don't know which it is unless you get a copy of your blood work or ask your doctor for the actual number and write it down or take a . When you look at a printout of your lab results, youll find the normal ranges for each blood test next to your personal results. What does a borderline result mean? having a close family member with type 2 diabetes. A positive TB blood test result doesn't necessarily mean that a person has an active infection. Borderline elevated ALT liver test result, with all these important thing such as liver function, B12 and blood tests being completely fine, is not sign of anything in particular: there is no liver damage, your body is functioning properly and your doc did the best thing he could and it is a retest in a month. But having a positive result doesn't mean you have a disease. Borderline diabetes often progresses to diabetes as insulin resistance increases, but knowing that . Haptoglobin binds to hemoglobin in the bloodstream. Abnormal Blood Clotting Test Results - Show why the blood has lost its ability to clot and why it takes longer to do the same. The full blood count (FBC) is one of the most commonly requested tests and provides important information about the kinds and numbers of cells in the blood: red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. About borderline lupus. But remember: "Each test has its own rules," says Dr. Salamon. Blood gases test. However, as most patients with abnormal liver blood tests actually have normal function of the liver, this term was felt . having high blood pressure. I had to ring to check if they were back though, and the receptionist at the doctors said if they . A person with only one kidney may have a normal level of about 1.8 or 1.9. Normal range: 27 to 32 picograms. Borderline cases can progress to overt hypothyroidism, so some say it's useful to take medication, especially if you also have a risk of heart disease; even mild hypothyroidism can lead to . . Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking, per day (150 minutes each . Results. You can return to your usual activities immediately. Possibly. By 54, 80% of women are post meno anyway. screen for certain genetic conditions. Allergy symptoms can range from sneezing and a stuffy nose to a life-threatening complication called anaphylactic shock. Borderline B12 deficiency can sometimes cause symptoms so dramatic that B12 deficiency may be rejected as a possible cause because . If you have IBD, the colonoscopy will confirm it. that your baby had a borderline result. This test measures the average amount of hemoglobin in the typical red blood cell. This will help lower your blood cholesterol level. . Family doctor ran the blood test and the ANA level was borderline, thus resulting in a referral to a rheumatologist. infection, is immune to HBV as a result of prior infection or vaccination, or is susceptible to infection. A chest x-ray and other samples will be requested to screen out these . It's likely to be painful and is only carried out in hospital. Normal. Further testing will be required if the test is positive to determine if there is a latent infection or TB disease. 6.1k views Reviewed >2 years ago. This is referred to as subclinical hypothyroidism. 2-3 days after period ended they did the blood pregnancy test. If you have IBD, the colonoscopy will confirm it. Specifically, it is actually a measure of the average VOLUME of Red Blood Cells, also called Erythrocytes. The doctors seem to ignore family . If your test . A positive TB blood test result doesn't necessarily mean that a person has an active infection. She told me to do blood test the next day. Further testing will be required if the test is positive to determine if there is a latent infection or TB disease. Doctors often use it to . It will only indicate that there was an infection at one time. He asked if I had a Hep B vaccine done & I told him I didn't . Test numbers near the upper or lower limit are borderline, while anything outside of these limits is considered not normal. check if you have an infection. Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg): A protein on the surface of hepatitis B virus; it can be detected in high levels in serum during acute or chronic hepatitis B virus infection. They include: Diet: Saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol in the food you eat increase cholesterol levels. that your baby had a borderline result. Saturated and trans fat have the most impact on blood cholesterol. After the test. Intrauterine insemination is a treatment where the man produces a semen sample, the sample goes through a special washing process, and then the specially washed semen is pushed through a catheter . Posted 5 years ago. Up to 30% of people who have lupus, however, will not have a positive dsDNA blood test. The second is to gather information and empower themselves with good lifestyle choices. An MCV Blood Test, a a measure of the mean corpuscular volume of individual red blood cells is a test that measures the number and the different types of cells in your blood. What do the results of a test mean? being inactive. Blood Test Results. Answer (1 of 6): Nothing at all. You might have certain symptoms that lead your doctor to suspect that your sodium level may be too high or too low. This range gives the expected values that healthcare providers typically see from tests among all people. Ilotshikamaru . The antinuclear antibody (ANA) blood test identifies a specific protein in the bloodstream. My blood test always comes back as borderline. Clotting ailments can lead to harmful levels of bleeding or clotting and may be due to diseases which . My platelet is just slightly high than normal which is 403 (400 for normal). The presence of antinuclear antibodies is a positive test result. Second ANA was still 1:1280 speckled, but all other tests are in normal range. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking, per day (150 minutes each . I would like some interpretations of two medical test I had. Posted 5 years ago. A bit of background: I've recently been referred to a private gastroenterologist for stomach pains, blood in stool, and a constant flux from constipation to diarrhoea amongst other things. A larger amount of IgE may mean you have an allergy. Explain the progressive nature of CKD and the basics . 29/08/2018 15:36. With almost every illness, there are degrees. Exercise helps you get your cholesterol down from the borderline range. A small amount of IgE antibodies is normal. Abnormal levels of albumin which is a protein produced by the liver can be due to conditions affecting the kidney. An MCHC blood test could be ordered for someone who has signs of fatigue or weakness, when there is an infection, is bleeding or bruising easily or when there is noticeable inflammation. When your doctor tells you that you have borderline high blood sugar - they could mean that you're in the impaired fasting glucose range or they could mean you're right at 6.0 mmol/L. His glycated haemoglobin (HbA 1c) is 44 mmol/mol.He has a body mass index (BMI) of 31 kg/m 2 and his cholesterol is raised.. Pre-diabetes is an umbrella term used to describe blood glucose levels that are above normal but below the diagnostic threshold for diabetes.1 In practice this is most commonly where a patient's glycated . . I kinda think that it will just end up being that my liver enzymes are just high and maybe are common levels that are found with Hep B but that I . It attaches to a certain type of hemoglobin. You might be confused, forgetful, or have problems . I kinda think that it will just end up being that my liver enzymes are just high and maybe are common levels that are found with Hep B but that I . A borderline result means that the test was between normal and abnormal. In this case, "width" refers to a measurement of distribution, not the size of the cells. If all three test results are positive, then a lupus diagnosis is almost certain. So many people are "experts" these days that they cover their ignorance with fudges. Your test results will show your cholesterol levels in milligrams per deciliter of blood (mg/dL). having high cholesterol. philippa61759 lau188. I'm currently 7+6 weeks pregnant and had my midwife booking appointment at the weekend. . "Leave the interpretation up to your doctor.". The first is to detect disease and pursue prevention strategies. Exercise helps you get your cholesterol down from the borderline range. Take no action - This means that the doctor has looked at the result and deemed it to be within the normal range for the test and so no further investigation or treatment is needed. Mean Cell Volume - Red cell . At 50 it would be unusual if you weren't peri meno to be honest! And what do your MCHC levels mean? If your repeat test shows high inflammation again, they may send you for a colonoscopy. . A 55 year old white man attends his annual hypertension review. A blood test can tell you a lot about your health. Blood tests have a wide range of uses and are one of the most common types of medical test. Well, On the lab paper that the DR gave me to give to the gastroenterologist she's sending me to said "tested positive for the antigen" I think, but it also said "borderline" out to the side of it. High creatinine levels that reach 2.0 or more in babies and 5.0 or more in adults may indicate severe kidney impairment. But unless the test was done on the 'right' days of your cycle, they are pretty meaningless. Why not ask the receptionist for a print out of your test results and post them on the forum, remember to include the reference ranges as this will show which are well within range and which are borderline or out of range. You don't need to have symptoms - though . If you have higher levels of inflammation in your fecal calprotectin test plus blood, this is a possible sign of IBD. What does a borderline result mean? Inflammatory markers are an important sign that, if absent, render the ANA test less valuable. Get Moving. Dr. SH. Get Moving. Results that are too high could signal anemia, while those too low may indicate a nutritional deficiency. There's some disagreement on pinning down a definite definition of borderline . Tonight he told me that the Hep B test result came back "borderline" and he had never had this type of result before & didn't know what it meant. Requiring a repeat blood test doesn't mean there's something wrong. . see how well certain organs, such as the liver and kidneys, are working. If you have higher levels of inflammation in your fecal calprotectin test plus blood, this is a possible sign of IBD. Tonight he told me that the Hep B test result came back "borderline" and he had never had this type of result before & didn't know what it meant. The result come out as my blood test is borderline. Hemoglobin is a protein in your red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. Urine Albumin - A urine test checks for albumin in your urine. When your doctor calls with your blood test . "second blood test done for kidney function creatinine to be tested again. Being optimal in thyroid hormone levels can make all the difference for a lot of people, but subclinical or borderline hypothyroidism leaves many people with low levels in Free T3 and Free T4, as well as undetected high thyroid antibody levels, causing ongoing symptoms, because they are actually hypothyroid. Liver blood tests look at how well the liver is functioning and can indicate whether there is any damage or inflammation inside the liver. Summary. 79,515 satisfied customers. It can help guide the diagnosis of certain conditions. MCH levels over 34 pg are generally considered abnormally high. some patients have consistently abnormal results that are 'normal' to them. Take no action - This means that the doctor has looked at the result and deemed it to be just outside of the normal range and the result is not concerning. There may be symptoms also suggestive of a disease. High levels of anti-dsDNA usually indicates that someone is suffering from chronic and potentially severe inflammation somewhere and that kidney damage may occur as a result. The MCHC test is most commonly used to evaluate for anemia. The rheumatologist said the hand stiffness was tendonitis, then ran the rest of the blood tests even though there were no other symptoms. I have had a chest xray and blood test. 5 years ago 6 Replies. A chest x-ray and other samples will be requested to screen out these . Also, it's important to keep in . If your result is a 9.1 mg/dL, right in the . Rheumatoid arthritis is a clinical diagnosis and one needs to have persistent synoviits (joint swelling as seen by physician, that does not go away without treatment, and is expected to remain without treatment). result borderline what does this mean as doc wants another test in 1month?" Answered by Dr. Ed Friedlander: Just follow it: Anything from having had an old kidney infection to ta. Calcium is an important mineral for functions such as nerve conduction and muscular contraction- including the nerves and muscles of the heart, brain and spinal cord. I'm currently having investigations for Lymphoma as I have a swollen lymph node near my right collarbone. Liver disease, anemia, nutritional deficiencies, and a number of health conditions could cause high or low RDW results. Allergy blood tests measure the amount of IgE antibodies in the blood. What you should do. Borderline diabetes does not have clear symptoms. For example, a blood test can be used to: assess your general state of health. The blood sample is sent to a lab for analysis. Normal range: 11% to 15%. The following results indicate the presence of prediabetes: Fasting plasma glucose: 5.5 mmol/L to 6.9 mmol/L ; HbA1c: 42 to 47 mmol/mol (6.0 to 6.4%) If your results are above the upper limits for prediabetes, your GP may either diagnose you with type 2 diabetes or take another test in the near future to confirm whether you have diabetes. . SARS was the clear abbreviation for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. IgM anti-HBc - a positive blood test result indicates a person has a new acute hepatitis B infection.IgM anti-HBc is generally detectable at the time symptoms appear and declines to sub-detectable levels within 6 - 9 months. I've had 2 other pregnancies and never had this before. The word MCV stands for Mean Corpuscle Volume- as red blood . Satisfactory. rate 101 bpm PR interval 162 ms read more. Borderline. With this test, we get an idea of the shape and size of red blood cells. Period was a few days late and shorter and lighter, less cramping. A doctor may use the phrase "borderline lupus" when symptoms or blood test results suggest lupus, but there is not enough information for a definite diagnosis. A common reason for retests is that your results are at one end of the normal range. 'Borderline' results. ; The need for a dialysis machine to remove wastes from the blood is based upon several considerations including the BUN, creatinine level, potassium level, and how much fluid the patient is retaining. A blood gas test is used to check the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in your blood, and the balance of acid and alkali in your blood (the pH balance). Note: An acute exacerbation (or liver flare) in a chronic HBV infection can also result in a positive anti-HBc IgM test . Your doctor will also consider other risk factors, such as age, family history . Now my doctors have just called me saying my urine result came back borderline so I need to do another test! There are several reasons why results can fall in the borderline range, including: Normal changes in baby's body as they adjust to being born Babies who are born early (premature) However, it may be just below or in the lower end of that range, otherwise sometimes known as borderline, or near borderline. Until recently, liver blood tests were referred to as liver function tests, or LFTs. You should ask the doctor to explain the results for you because normal ranges vary depending on labs and age. I would like some interpretations of two medical test I had. Haptoglobin is a protein made by your liver. Albumin is a protein that can pass into the urine when the filters in the kidneys are damaged. A pH imbalance can be caused by: Hi everyone, I'm new here but hoping you can all help me. philippa61759 lau188. Other names: IgE allergy test, Quantitative IgE . Some people alternatively call this borderline thyroid. Vent. Most hemoglobin is located inside red blood cells, but small amounts circulate in the bloodstream. What does borderline blood test results mean? She took a urine sample which I thought nothing of. The first is an ECG test and the results were: Sinus tachycardia, Rightward axis, and Borderline ECG. Just had my blood test results back they said my hemoglobin level was borderline high what does it mean - Answered by a verified Health Professional. The xray results are not back yet, but my blood test results are ''borderline''. Your total cholesterol and HDL (good) cholesterol are among numerous factors your doctor can use to predict your lifetime or 10-year risk for a heart attack or stroke. This occurs commonly because some of the blood tests used to evaluate lupus, such as the anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), can come back positive in people without . Learn about some of the most common blood tests and what the results for these tests mean for your health. Increased BUN levels may indicate dehydration, UTI or kidney damage. 3 1/2 most ago I had 4 back surgeries & had to have 4 donor blood transfusions (donor bone too), so I had my doctor test me for HIV $ Heps. He asked if I had a Hep B vaccine done & I told him I didn't .

borderline blood test results mean

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