missing 411 alabama cluster map

And the circumstances surrounding her sudden discovery were almost stranger than those around which she vanished. A Net Inceptions project. I could also go on and on, but I think this is more than enough for now. But my belief is that I was hit with some INTENSE infrasound in the middle of the night while my dad and I were in a place they didn't want us. Peggy R. Mock read more I will discuss this in more detail when I get to related profile points like the role of bad weather. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". This would also explain why it happens in only some cities you cant simply improvise it anywhere without having the infrastructure. The grandfather told them that he had simply been there one second and gone the next, and a search of the area turned up no sign of him, nor did an extensive official search of the area. But if theyre after exceptional (and therefore potentially valuable) targets, they cant hide that, or even necessarily be able to do without specific targets, however unlikely those target people are to get lost or succumb to the elements. How do you manipulate lividity of a corpse, like achieving none? In either of these scenarios, the result will look the same. Beyond the basic scientific considerations, its important to understand that we may be doing research here against an intelligent adversary, which complicates things. . Moreover, if you could pull this off, you would want to use this technique to help someone or manipulate them without it being traceable back to you, or without it being scientifically provable that it was a communication at all. Theorists also propose that a serial killer or occult sect that hunts humans may be on the prowl. If I think about how likely it is that this profile point signifies something unusual, the inside-out clothing is very hard to explain away, but the brightly colored clothing may have a mundane explanation. Paulides has dedicated nearly a decade of his life to the research of 411 cases and has written a series of books on the subject. Dogs arent machines, which inevitably means they must have some sort of rate of error, some better and worse days, while scent can be affected by environmental conditions. Furthermore, introducing it in the first place or doing things like turning it inside out could screw with pattern recognition AI that was designed to target us looking a particular way. This is perhaps the main area in which I would like Dave to release tables with exact percentages of just how common various traits among the missing people are, as the first step that needs to be taken in any serious study is to compare the composition of Daves sample with the standard distributions of variables in the normal demographics of the involved states or countries. Which is an issue that we have already encountered with self-driving cars. A forest ranger that witnessed the exchange described it as two entirely different operations that seemed to have their own agendas. The map covers all 50 states and southern Canada. Assuming that Bigfoot doesnt exist, this is still a completely reasonable activity. For this reason alone, this appears to be a strong profile point. If there is a conspiracy surrounding the Missing 411 in terms of secret government involvement, would this apparent turn in the weather be a clue to such involvement? Travis D. Massey read more Or its supposed to be, anyway. Tabitha L. Franklin read more I especially recommend the most recent documentary, Missing 411: The Hunted, as I have never seen such great visualization of movement through an area, plus the cases selected for this documentary are some of the most bizarre and inexplicable there are. Here I have to give credit to Seriah Azkath and the Snake Brothers, who pointed out the likely direction of causality regarding this profile point on a recent Where Did the Road Go show. Not surprisingly at all, these types of things are reported by alien abductees. The question is, why would a sophisticated perpetrator remove (and sometimes return) clothing, and not understand how it works? Newest comments appear first, oldest at the bottom. Much like it is with Daves trust in the ability of searchers to conduct proper searches, Dave also doesnt question the ability of canines to find scent. McSherry called out to Dametz and received no reply, and it was all very odd as his knees were so bad it would have been impossible for him to get very far so fast on his own. Although many of these Missing 411 cases demonstrate strange instances, the link to any mountain monsters is mere folk devil hearsay. There was [sic] active efforts to distance themselves from each other [FBI and National Guard], us [National Parks Service], and even the parents of the missing kid.. On the internet. When Paulides runs into a Pavlides when on one of these cases, a thing that has never happened to him before or since and which doesnt have to happen over an entire lifetime at all, that counts as a bit odd. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. It should never be tens of percent. Required fields are marked *. Missing 411: Canada - Unexplained Disappearances - NEW W/ MAP, David Well, apart from the stories of people who got lost suddenly in familiar territory, but only temporarily and with full memory of the event, which means that they didnt qualify as Missing 411 cases. Missing people in the USA or across the world are an unfortunate but regular occurrence. Profiling is in some ways similar to cherry-picking, but the science of it is more complicated. The topic known as the "Missing 411" is based on a series of books written by former police detective David Paulides. She would call the number back and talk to him again, but he seemed confused and unsure of where he even was. Given that some cases indicate third-party involvement (like the inside-out clothing, children unable to undress themselves, or clean socks while traveling miles), the latter option, however unlikely and disconcerting, must be considered. The book series is important work and is worth examining, because it involves vanishings and disappearances that happen with surprising frequency deep inside national parks and wildernesses. Or at least not any more mysteriously than provably falling off a cliff, and thats the only case I could find. These are all angles that can and should be investigated, since precise targeting, luring, and covert disappearing of people arent trivial tasks. And dont even get me started on synchronicity and how you absolutely would want to use systemic coincidences in order to manage a simulated (or similarly controlled) world. This is a suspiciously good record. All Missing 411 North American disappearances are on the map. The map covers all 50 states and southern Canada. Im a backpacker who spends a lot of time in the woods, so this definitely caught my attention. Without that, we simply dont know if any of it is significant. The suspicious nature of the issue in combination with the trends that David Paulides documents are beyond a mystery. Like mentions of reports of bigfoot on one of the U.S. coasts attacking dogs (in one episode of the On the Trail of Bigfoot series), or a description of an area where there were almost exclusively bigfoot reports on one side of a road going through a forest, and almost exclusively dogman reports on the other (on The Venomous Fringe podcast). An isolated concurrence so unlikely that its suspicious by itself. I think the issue is that Dave by default rules out cases in which they would have made an error. What I can speculate on is why any type of perpetrator would have an operational range centered around large bodies of water or rock formations, or national forests and parks for that matter. Like in the other cases we have looked at a massive search was launched, made all the more urgent because there was frigid bad weather set to hit that evening which it was thought such a young boy would not be able to survive. Haleigh B. Culwell read more, Lauderdale County Initially, they would manage to track his snowshoes for several miles. Dave assembled the profile by reviewing details of all unexplained disappearances he could find that took place in the U.S. national parks and by noting what they had in common. A home for weird ideas, future visions, and mad ramblings. Little more than a mile away from the gorge where the body of the Mystery Man (above) turned up, twenty-five-year-old Jeff Estes disappeared. After a comprehensive and thorough search lasting nine days with over a hundred people, sniffer dogs, and helicopters, nothing more than the lens cap of her camera was ever found. Missing 411: Hundreds of Strange Disappearances in our National Parks The Account Of Alberto Gordini And The Devils Trap!. They explained that the body blended in with the pigment of the soil and rock formations. This was the case for the Stacey Arras case and Ronald Kirk. This means that in order for this profile point to mean something more interesting, the person would have to be found despite the bad weather, in a place they shouldnt have been, and either alive when they should have died of exposure, or dead with no clear cause of death when they should have still been alive. Its also unusual for such high percentage of adults to remember what happened, but then not report it, to not even make anything up, which would be the only normal alternative explanation. Dave may not be the best scientist or statistician, he may have lied or cheated in his life at least once or twice, and he was trying to find evidence for the existence of Bigfoot (plural) before he was approached to look into missing people in national parks. You could be on to something! If you are some sort of wildman creature, you may want to do something primal, like hunt someone to eat them, kidnap someone as a mate or a kid to raise as part of your tribe, get rid of a witness, or attack someone for fun or because they did something to offend you. Kimberly Arrington, 16, of Montgomery vanished on the afternoon of Oct. 30, 1998. The person could have fallen into some hard-to-access crevice or got buried. They propose that the Missing 411 disappearances could be the result of a shadowy government program. If there is evidence that something weird was going on with the dog, thats the part that should be focused on, in my opinion presence of inexplicable evidence is always more interesting than a correlation alone. Interestingly, and horrifyingly, the screams and howls recorded in the case of Henry McCabe, who was found dead without any apparent cause, do resemble the noises made by people who are tazed. Where did Dr. Dametz go, and how could he get so far and so thoroughly avoid detection in such a short span of time when he could barely walk on his own? Below is a link to see all the images I used, as well as a 50% opacity overlay of the cluster map to try to align it with the thru tail map beneath it. Though there are Missing 411 cases where that didnt help, like when a person was seen chasing a dog into the forest, which only helps explain how people can get lost more often while walking a dog. For some, this is indicative of some forces snatching these people away for inscrutable reasons. Gone in a swinging door, a morning away, the blink of an eye. Mostly, they just managed to say something like oh my gosh, or my phone is about to go dead, or gave out unsettling noises. If you could use portals to get in and out of them, that would help a lot, but all the technology you need is a camouflaged door. I have never heard of a single case in the history of my country of anyone going missing mysteriously while picking mushrooms. As the hunter looked out on White Bear Lake he could see the unmistakable sight of a small body floating on the water. 6 people could hide behind that thing and not be noticed. Missing 411 Canada by David Paulides with BC Cluster Map People make errors. Although he didnt realize it, it is likely that young Charles followed him. Like the Missing 411 cases. There is a chance that the person will not want to admit a bout of irrational behavior, but they should not have amnesia, unless a blow to the head, extreme psychological trauma, or very specific chemicals were involved. At one point DeOrr Jr.s father and girlfriend left the boy at the campsite with the grandfather for a short time, and when they returned he was gone. Tracking Mexico S Cartels In 2019. Four Missing 411 Cluster Maps $46.95 Missing 411 Idaho Missing Person Cluster Map $16.99 Best Selling 11 Book Set $279.99 Montana Missing Person Cluster Map $16.99 U.S., Montana & British Columbia Missing Person Cluster Maps $34.99 CanAm Missing Project Patch $3.99 CanAm Missing Project Sticker $3.50 They even mentioned a hunter explaining that some hunters follow bad weather intentionally to catch more prey. All rights reserved. I mean, beyond the obvious connection to large bodies of water and boulder and rock formations. Im really only qualified to speculate on the first question. Or it could be a sign of a design artifact, like when many bad guys in our fictional worlds contain Mal in their name, or how many hero names can be abbreviated as JC. The most common type of account from children is that of being taken or kept safe by some type of animal or animal-like men. But I couldn't puke in the tent, so I unzipped the tent flap as fast as I could, ran into the rain, and puked my guts out. Dave also mentions legends from Hawaii and Indonesia which explain that you should not wear bright clothing if you dont want to offend some kind of spirits, or that some spirits demand that you lie naked face down in their presence, which is how Missing 411 people often are found. The case caught the attention of David Paulides, author of The Missing 411 books, who was intrigued because the location of the vanishing was at a place called Devils Head, which has long had a place in Native folklore as a haunted place inhabited by evil spirits, and which also strangely enough had other strange disappearances that had happened in the vicinity. For this reason, the inability of trackers to track the person should only be considered significant when other, positive evidence is present, like when the body shows up later in a previously searched area, or when the trackers actually do find something thats harder to find than the person, like their matchbox, but not any of the much larger objects the person was carrying. If it keeps happening again and again, what youve got is a systemic anomaly, an anomaly on which you will keep getting more data, an anomaly that you can try to predict. While the particular connections and why they appear are not known, like the berry picking connection that we will examine shortly, it is its apparent randomness that makes it so crucial to understand. Although Paulides work has been scrutinized and some critics say that the number of unsolved cases is not statistically significant, Paulides has contributed immeasurably to the categorization of the issue and the growth of it in the public consciousness. Missing 411 cluster map - bingerquick As the father lifted his head briefly from the task, he would suddenly notice a strange bubbling noise which was followed by the sudden appearance of a three-foot-high man-like figure in front of him. Learn more about Reddits use of cookies. Yeah, thats a weird one, which probably makes it a good profile point. By . The hard evidence found here indicates that many of these people must have died on land days after they disappeared, but days before they entered water, or that they must have died in a tumbling stream, when they were found in a pond with no flowing water, etc.

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missing 411 alabama cluster map

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